How do I create a New Master?

Navigate to Drive from the Menu, and from the top section of your list, go ahead and click +Add New Master.

A window will appear with a few quick questions about your Master soundfile. Please follow these prompts:

  • To edit the name of your Master, click in the header where you see the pencil icon

  • Select which catalog you wish to add the Master to (which Artists' Drive the Master will be stored on, not applicable if you don’t have multiple Artists on your AMP account)

  • Drag and Drop your Master soundfile(s) to the window, or browse on your device to select the file(s)

  • Simply click Add Master at any point to create the new Master folder on your Drive

  • If you skip adding soundfiles and create the Master folder, you can navigate the the Master Files subfolder in the relevant directory to upload the soundfiles at a later time