How do I create a Summary for my Contract file?

AMP’s Contract Module also supports uploading contracts and agreements that have been created elsewhere - PDF, .DOC, .DOCX and image files such as .PNG, .JPG and .TIFF can be uploaded to the /Contracts subfolder of any Master.

To upload a contract, navigate to the Master / Contract location and click the + button in the toolbar:

This launches AMP’s Contract Module - go ahead and select New Contract:

Now we have the Contract Summary modal:

You have a few options here:

  1. Just upload your Contract file - follow the prompts to upload, and simply click Save to import the file

  2. Upload a Contract file and add a Contract Summary - import your file, summarize and click Save to complete

  3. Or just add a Contract Summary record. You can edit the record and add a file later

Let’s take a closer look at adding a Contract Summary…

First, let’s note that most fields in the Contract Summary are optional; this is by design. For example, email addresses are optional - AMP doesn’t send any notifications to the contracting parties when you save a Contract Summary record.

You can use the summary to provide a brief Description, or you can summarize all of the details of numerous types of contract:

You can select the following contract types, which will be useful later for searches, filtering and setting user permissions:

Note that Royalty and Recoup fields offer drop downs which make the Contract Summary flexible enough for most use cases:

Once your Contract Summary is complete, Users can view the information in Drive, and also in Advanced Search - which can be useful for quickly reviewing a list view, e.g: